Crassula Press is not currently accepting submissions. Please check back to see when we will be accepting again.
Crassula Press is still refining it’s publishing process so please be patient as we review your manuscript. It may take up to three months to hear back from us once we have received your submission.
We are looking for:
- high quality fiction, particularly in the science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance genre.
- any length is acceptable, though we would prefer novels (40,000+ words)
Works under novel size will be considered for ebook publication only, but will be
considered on a case by case basis.
Novelettes are considered to be 7,500 words and over up to 17,500 words.
Novels are considered to be 40,000 words and over.
Please use the following page for reference –
Submission Guidelines:
Please send all submissions to the following email: with the subject line: ‘Submission: [surname]-[title].
Include the following in the email body:
- Name and/or pen name
- Contact details
- Title and wordcount
- Synopsis
- A bio (of no more than 300 words)
- Previous publishing credits
Attach your document in either .pdf or .docx with the following formatting:
- 12pt Courier or Times New Roman.
- Italics when needed, no underlining.
- Double spaced.
- Ensure your work has been spell-checked and proofread
- File should be named in the following format: [surname]-[title]
A response will be sent within the week of receipt of your manuscript.
Acceptance or rejection of your manuscript is anticipated to occur within 8 to 12 weeks.